Group Category: Games & Puzzles
We meet every Wednesday afternoon (2:00 to 4:00pm) at the Baptist Church on Westdale Lane to play various games. New members are very welcome. Please send an email to the convener to join the group, or for more information. Read more
Cryptic Crosswords – Beginners
Sessions include working together on a cryptic crossword and explaining the clues and logic to understand how cryptic clues work. Currently using Sun Two Speed book 9. We meet at The Woodthorpe Top, the Wetherspoons pub at the corner of Woodthorpe Drive and Woodborough Road on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from… Read more
Cryptic Crosswords – Improvers
We are a group that attempts to solve harder cryptic crosswords. We meet fortnightly to try to solve two crosswords that are sent out immediately following the previous meeting. You would be welcome to join us as we solve the puzzles and find reasons for our answers Here’s one to try Read more
Bridge for Beginners
The group runs for 10 weeks between October and March and is held in the convener’s home in Woodthorpe. The weekly sessions are aimed at teaching the basics to people with no (or little) exposure to the game of bridge so that by the end of the course they can play unaided. Each session consists… Read more