MaD Men

Status:Active, open to new members
Charles Rouse
Group email: MaD Men group
When: Monthly on Monday afternoons 14:00
3rd Monday of the month 2 pm
Venue: Mapperley Golf Club

This group is just for the men in our MaD u3a and the number of members attending the MaD Men is gradually increasing. We meet at the Mapperley Golf Club. The only cost associated with being a part of this group is the obligation to buy a drink of some sort.

We talk about anything and everything and enjoy each other’s company. If you fit the criteria and would like to give it a try, please email me and I’ll put you on the mailing list.

We meet at 2.00pm on the third Monday of each month at the Mapperley Golf Club.

A cheerful group enjoys a pint and conversation at Mapperley Golf Club.

Topics include:

  • East Midlands Mayor election, what’s the point?
  • Our favourite bloopers from television commentators, e.g. “The bowlers Holding the batsman’s Willy”.
  • What do we think of Phyicians Assistants compared to proper Doctors?
  • How will the NHS be paid for in the future?
  • Craft beer tasting group. We agreed that drink driving rules would make this impractical.
  • The condition of the roads.