The three Musketeers LMTL

Event type: Theatre Visit
Date: 29/05/2025
Time: 19:30
Group: Play Going – Lace Market
Venue: Lace Market Theatre
Richard Hill
Cost: Adults £14 Concession £13
Booking: Note that booking is required.

By John Nicholson and Le Navet Bete in the Auditorium Adults £15 Concession £13

When the young and naive D’Artagnan sets out on his quest to become a King’s musketeer, he immediately encounters the dangerous femme fatale, Milady de Winter. After discovering that the musketeers have been disbanded, he makes it his mission to get them reinstated. But will his feud with Milady thwart him? And who the heck is she?

This riotous adaptation of Alexandre Dumas’ classic novel by John Nicholson (Hound of the Baskervilles) is a funny, high energy adaptation of a universally loved story, which is suitable for audiences of all ages.

Swashbuckling and rollicking adventure guaranteed – convincing French accents, not so much.

Contains gunshot sound effects.

This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Nick Hern Books.