Wine Bar

Status:Active, open to new members
Sue Cullen
Group email: Wine Bar group
When: Weekly on Wednesday evenings
Venue: Zoom

Most Wednesday evenings at 6:00pm we meet in the virtual Wine Bar – held via Zoom.

Each week there is a wine theme and members join with a wine to fit the given theme. We each share our opinion of the wine we’re tasting, tell the group where it was purchased and the cost. We often watch a short video relating to that week’s wine.

This a very friendly group, not only enjoying tasting wine but also learning more about it. If you’d like to join us in the Wine Bar please send an email to the convener to receive the Zoom link.

Cheers! Some of the members of the Wednesday evening MaD Wine Bar held via Zoom taste Rosé wines

Forthcoming events

Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting